#BehindtheSelfie with... Kerri-Ann Hamilton

1. Where do you live, work and play?
Hamilton: Jam Media, Jam Media, Jam Media!
2. What’s your claim to fame?
Hamilton: I’m a "night-owl-whiskey-drinking-over-thinking" creative soul that has an immense love for understanding what’s in the client’s mind and bringing THAT MAGIC to life.
3. Describe your career so far.
Hamilton: Being the hopeless romantic that I am, and with Feb being the month of love, the best way to describe my career is like being in a relationship. Some relationships build you up, some you grow out of, some even have factors of borderline-psychotic disruption that leaves your soul empty and contemplating if you’re even worthy of the relationship. Until one day you meet the job of your dreams and it builds up this level of trust and mends your smashed-up broken heart. Then you live graciously, happily ever after. Who doesn’t love a happy ending? I have found mine.
4. Tell us a few of your favourite things.
Hamilton: Only a few? Mmm… Top of the list: I love art, animals and nature. They both support and fuel my creativity. Then it’s EDM music for those late nights of hard grinding to get things out on deadline and keeping my clients happy… and then WHISKEY, for those even-later late nights. It’s my choice of poison. What can I say, life is all about balance!
5. What do you love about your industry?
Hamilton: There are just too many things to mention here and no two days are ever the same. The industry has its ups and downs like any other industry. The main aspect of my industry that I love is more specific to the environment in which you work. I can’t design and be my most creative when bogged down with negativity and too many rules as I’m a rebel. If I have to pin it down to one thing, then it’s definitely an exciting industry that keeps me on my toes!
6. Describe your average workday, if such a thing exists.
Hamilton: Haha, usually I have a ‘power hour’ in my car and kill traffic by developing self-skills and researching trends and inspiration. I’m an Aries and we don’t mess about, we are all about action. Once I get into the office, it's started with an extra boost of caffeine before I hit my emails. Then it’s design, creative thinking, more caffeine, and strategising! My mind is never ‘off’.
7. What are the tools of your trade?
Hamilton: My beloved MacBook, of course. Without it, I would cease to exist! And then it all depends on my persona for the day. Am I “Kerri the photographer”? “Kerri the visual communicator”? “Kerri the creative strategist”? I work in the entire Adobe Create suite. My camera choice is Canon.
8. Who is getting it right in your industry?
Hamilton: I can’t pinpoint one individual, I find my inspiration from anyone or anything.
9. List a few pain points the industry can improve on.
Hamilton: Designers doing it for free or below-average pay. This damages the industry and their own reputation. Know your worth!
10. What are you working on right now?
Hamilton: Currently, I am working on a few campaigns. There’s CarTrip, which is an online platform that connects drivers and passengers who are travelling along the same route and allows them to share a ride. They will soon be spotted at some traffic lights for some fun. Watch this space (@CarTripSA)! I am also currently working on building a few brands from scratch, this really excites me.
11. Tell us some of the buzzwords floating around in your industry at the moment, and some of the catchphrases you utter yourself.
Hamilton: I'm not the buzzword kinda gal. I speak plain simple English to my clients, we avoid agency mumbo-jumbo. We never pull the wool over our client's eyes. We keep it real, yo!
12. Where and when do you have your best ideas?
Hamilton: In bed at 3am, or on Sundays (I don’t know why). Actually, come to think of it, it happens 24/7! I bug my director, Jess Mouneimne, ALL THE TIME! I have a book in my drawer next to my bed FULL of ideas I hope to fulfil in the future
13. What’s your secret talent/party trick?
Hamilton: Party trick? Get me a bottle of Jack and I'll show you.
14. Are you a technophobe or a technophile?
Hamilton: TECHNOPHILE! Hands down! To be more specific, a "bi-techtual" technophile. PC and Mac, iPhone and Android, Xbox, Playstation or Nintendo... I was brought up with a brother with a very high IQ and a passion for technology, this then rubbed off on me. (Thanks, bro!) I can’t think of one thing in my life that doesn’t involve technology in some way or another. I even have a waterproof speaker to play my music in the shower!
15. What would we find if we scrolled through your phone?
Hamilton: Screenshots of badly designed social media posts, selfies with great lighting, pictures of inspiring quotes, funny memes, dogs, cocktails and sunsets. Oh, and screenshots of conversations (Yes, guilty – we all do it).
16. What advice would you give to newbies hoping to crack into the industry?
Hamilton: Those things they taught you at your tertiary place of education are great as a foundation, but the real learning begins now. Buckle up and embrace it! Never stop reinventing yourself! Read books (try to) and EXPLORE! Grab inspiration from everything and everyone, and always have goals!
Simple as that. Email Hamilton at az.oc.aidemmaj@irrek, follow her on Instagram, visit the Jam Media website and Behance profile and be sure to follow Jam Media on Twitter.
*Interviewed by Leigh Andrews.