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Breakfast Xpress Christmas Wish, new Truck of Love
94.7 Highveld Stereo has been running the 10th Annual Christmas Wish campaign to make a difference in the lives of the needy once again this Christmas. Darren Simpson and the Breakfast Xpress team have been granting wishes 21 November-9 December 2011 between 6am and 9am every weekday. Along with this, the team has also introduced the Truck of Love, which sees children's charity receiving all they need from corporate companies wanting to make a difference. The Truck of Love runs concurrently with the Christmas Wish and will visit five charities throughout the three weeks of giving. Highlights from the shows are being featured on M-Net, M-Net HD and Mzansi Magic, while the latest stories can be found on www.highveld.co.za. For those wanting to nominate a family or friend or to help grant a wish, send a detailed email to az.oc.dlevhgih@hsiw.