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Three new appointments for WFFSA
ICT specialists, Wi-Fi Forum of South Africa, has appointed three new office bearers; Andile Ngcaba, Raj Wanniappa and Mpho Mokete. Ngcaba has been appointed as chairperson, Wanniappa has been appointed as executive chairperson, whilst Mokete has been appointed as treasurer. Their roles will include the promotion of Wi-Fi utilisation in the delivery of seamless connectivity in Southern Africa.
Management committee members were also selected at WFFSA's second Annual General Meeting (AGM) to assist the committee as co-opted members. They include; Andile Ngcaba, Bruce Pitso, Gareth Mortimer, Kervin Pillay, Mpho Mokete, Raj Wanniappa and Zanele Monnakgotla, Envir Fraser and William Stucke.