Dis-Chem annual profit down 1.6%

South African pharmacy chain Dis-Chem Pharmacies reported a 1.6% decline in full-year earnings on Friday, and declared a final dividend of 22.49%.
A person walks past a Dis-Chem Pharmacy outlet in Cape Town, South Africa 22 February 2024. Source; REUTERS/Esa Alexander/file photo.
A person walks past a Dis-Chem Pharmacy outlet in Cape Town, South Africa 22 February 2024. Source; REUTERS/Esa Alexander/file photo.

Headline earnings per share, a key profit measure in South Africa, fell to 114.7 cents in the year ended 29 February from 116.3 cents.

Dis-Chem said the group was impacted by the "base effects" of the prior year's performance, whose stronger first-half benefitted from the acquisitions of warehouse properties, which resulted in a one-off gain.

The current reporting period also had no contribution from Covid-19 vaccine administration and testing services, which have ended.

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