
How to use social media to get more leads
Brad Taylor 20 Jan 2021

10 actionable marketing tips for lead generation
Angela White 1 Jul 2019

#TechBytes 8: Implementing agile marketing
13 May 2019
Don't worry - everybody did. Being cool comes with a host of handy perks. For starters, cool kids have the opposite sex wrapped around their little finger. They get special privileges, too: when the cool kids want to go on the monkey bars, the rest of the kids - mere mortals that they are - evacuate the jungle gym and watch in awe. Most importantly of all, however, cool kids have tons of friends.
Why do cool kids have so many friends? After a little playground analysis, we realised that the tactics used by cool kids to make friends aren't that different from the lead generation tactics smart marketers use to find new customers.
Here's one of the best-kept playground secrets: having an opinion is cool. This is because having an opinion not only shows that you're capable of thinking for yourself, it also shows that you're confident and self-assured - two qualities that others find irresistible.
Having an opinion is equally helpful when it comes to lead generation. Smart marketers give their brands 'opinions' by constantly creating and sharing original, interesting content.
Modern lead generation tactics use this content to attract prospects and convert them into leads. Regularly producing original, top quality content that targets key phrases is the best way to improve your organic search engine rankings. This means that consumers are able to easily find you online when they need you. Moreover, if they like what they read, leads are more likely to part with their contact details in order to download a piece of premium content.
Cool kids aren't shy. In fact, they love being in the spotlight. They aren't afraid to crack jokes, backchat teachers and just generally hog the limelight.
Make sure that your content hogs the limelight too. The more people your content reaches, the wider your lead generation net is cast. For tips on how to promote your blog in today's competitive online environment.
They've always got the cool new shoes, games and gadgets. They've been there, done that. It's undeniable: cool kids have their fingers firmly on the pulse.
Highly effective lead generation strategies recognise the importance of adopting tactics based on how consumers behave today - not on how they behaved a decade ago.
Old, out-dated lead generation tactics just don't work anymore. Having your finger on the pulse in the marketing world means spending less on old-fashioned tactics like print and TV ads and more on things like digital marketing, blogging and marketing automation technology.
If you're cool, you don't have to work to find friends - friends find you. Like moths to a flame, people are inexorably attracted to those who ooze cool.