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Propelair SA Press Office
Propelair is an international, London-based cleantech company that produces one of the world's lowest water-flush toilets. Our innovation replaces 9lt of water with a 60lt of air to achieve an 84% water saving, per flush.
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Propelair OneThreeFive: the worlds’ first IOT connected water-saving toilet
In a significant step towards a more sustainable future, we are proud to introduce our latest invention - the Propelair OneThreeFive water-saving toilet. This cutting-edge product utilises only 1.35 litres of water for a 100% clean flush, surpassing the current 1.5lt water-savings toilet. By revolutionizing water usage in commercial washrooms, this technology aims to save millions of litres of water and its costs each year, while also significantly reducing the carbon footprint associated with water and waste processing. Moreover, due to the close-to-flush technology, the Propelair OneThreeFive's innovation enhances hygiene by eliminating the “sneeze effect”, incorporating antimicrobial additives and achieving a 99.9% clean flush. 18 Sep 2024 Read more

Our 10 most frequently asked toilet questions
Helping our target audience understand the Propelair offering means product adoption, and product adoption leads to more water savings, benefitting everyone across the globe! So, let’s delve into what people want to know about Propelair toilets. 10 Sep 2024 Read more

Transforming facility management with Propelair’s innovative asset tracking system
In a pioneering move towards efficient facility management, Propelair is proud to introduce its cutting-edge asset tracking software, integrated with quick response codes and designed to monitor and manage all Propelair toilets remotely, from the palm of your hand. This innovative software promises to streamline operations and offer world-class after-sales service. 10 Jul 2024 Read more

Propelair’s in-house maintenance offering simplifies your facility management
Entrust your washroom maintenance to a qualified Propelair technician 4 Jun 2024 Read more

Bold changes unfolding at Propelair
We’ve been embracing positive change in every corner of Propelair – enhancing our products, services, and market positioning. 8 May 2024 Read more

Propelair’s Flush for the Future: Saving our planet is remarkably simple
Small efforts that are coordinated on a global scale, will result in a significant and lasting impact. 3 Apr 2024 Read more

Are you walking the walk or simply ‘green talking’?
It's crucial to assess whether you're actively promoting sustainable practices and contributing positively to environmental well-being or inadvertently causing more harm than good. 5 Mar 2024 Read more

How Propelair has saved more than 1.6 billion litres of water
Though a simple act like flushing a toilet may not individually save the entire planet, envision the transformative power if all eight billion of us embraced such minor changes – Mother Earth could witness a utopian shift, in just one day! Guided by collective effort and benefit, the Propelair ethos of 'big change with little effort', focuses on public and commercial washrooms. These spaces account for up to 90% of public water consumption, with toilets wasting almost half of this grand total. Through collective action, we can make a significant impact and benefit the planet. 29 Feb 2024 Read more

Propelair reflects on a year packed with accolades and is ready to shine in 2024
Securing the top podium position in 2023 has laid a strong foundation for Propelair's promising 2024. With an impressive collection of four awards garnered last year, we are poised to bid farewell to a successful chapter and continue our journey of enabling a healthy interdependence between the environment and humanity through sustainable developments that will ensure that we can fulfil our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own future requirements. 10 Jan 2024 Read more

Reaching water neutrality with Propelair
Propelair’s goal is to promote sustainable and responsible water management in the quest to reach water neutrality. 1 Dec 2023 Read more

World Toilet Day is real, and Propelair is raising awareness!
While celebrating World Toilet Day may sound unusual and leave some red-faced, it serves as a poignant reminder of the global sanitation crisis impacting 3.6 billion people. Propelair is committed to raising awareness about this critical issue, emphasising the importance of access to proper sanitation. 17 Nov 2023 Read more

See us at the 2023 Green Building Convention
Propelair rethinks washroom spaces to positively impact climate change 13 Nov 2023 Read more

Propelair rethinks washroom spaces to positively impact climate change
We'll be at the 2023 Green Building Convention... 2 Oct 2023 Read more

Go ahead, touch the Propelair toilet latch! It's antimicrobial
whilst closing the lid makes the world of difference by eliminating the sneeze effect that reduces up to 95% of germs being sprayed into the air, we have not left a single stone unturned when it comes to hygiene! The use of Polygiene Biomaster antimicrobial additives in our opening latch provides durable product protection from bacterial growth, on a continuous basis. 5 Sep 2023 Read more

Propelair & Earth Capital's commitment to a common cause
The successful investment of Earth Capital Ltd into the Propelair brand is not only a financial one. True to its roots, Earth Capital Ltd has committed to investing in our business and into our planet by taking Propelairs' hand. Together, we don't simply deliver sustainable solutions and water savings, but enjoy the multitude of benefits that we share as partners. 5 Jul 2023 Read more

Water Saving Week 2023
This year, the five key focus areas of #WaterSavingWeek will address concerns and provide guidance on topics such as the cost of living crisis, role of hot water in energy bills and carbon footprint, issues around water stress and resources, our own habits and ensuring a water-safe future for generations to come. 15 May 2023 Read more

Let's celebrate!
Propelair, together with our largest customer, the Redefine Group who create and manage spaces in ways that change lives, has raked in the first prize in the SAFMA awards ceremony held last night at Zebula Golf Estate situated in Limpopo, South Africa. 11 May 2023 Read more

Earth Day 2023
This year, for the first time in history EARTHDAY.ORG are continuing the theme 'Invest In Our Planet' for a second year running this Earth Day 2023. The focus is to engage all people from around the globe including governments, organisations & businesses and encourage them to do their part for planet earth. 22 Apr 2023 Read more