False Bay TVET College signs a MOA with Tomasso Silla Autobody Works Pty LimitedFront: Mr Angelo Ruffini (TOMMASSO SILLA Autobody Works PTY Limited: Executive Director), Tommaso Silla (Tommaso Silla Autobody Works PTY Limited: Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director), Cassie Kruger (False Bay TVET College: Principal and Chief Executive Officer), Dr Claudio Ruffini (FinMasters)
Back: Steve Reid (False Bay TVET College: Centre of Entrepreneurship Manager), Karin Hendricks (False Bay TVET College: Deputy Principal), Jeremy Schuster (False Bay TVET College ERD Programme Manager), Christiana Nel (False Bay TVET College: Linkages and Partnership Manager)
click to enlargeThe MOA reflects the intention of FBC, Tommaso Silla Autobody Works and Finmasters SA CC to establish a partnership that will support the development of a mutually beneficial collaboration in areas such as training, equipment and small business development and training.
This partnership will seek to support the expansion and training of the Automotive Body Repair, Spray Painting and related programmes.
"We are very excited about this partnership which will bring international expertise and experience to the Automotive Faculty. This will contribute greatly to both staff development and skills development for our students," says Karin Hendricks, FBC Deputy Principal of Education and Training.