Hand washing - stock image from Pixabay
The educational component designed to inform and empower staff includes details on what the virus is; where the disease outbreak began; ways in which it is transmitted; symptoms to look out for; who to call in the event there is detection of a possible Covid-19 case; and daily measures to prevent contamination and spread of viruses in personal, operational and guests spaces. An easy-to-understand illustrated guide on five precautions to follow ensures that the message is quickly and easily understood. Also, staff have received the five steps via SMS to their mobile phones and will continue to receive regular communication updates from management as they become available.
Sanitisers are being rolled out in all hotels in back of house areas as well as guest areas such as reception desks, bars, #Cafe restaurants, club lounges, gyms and fitness rooms, boardrooms and meeting rooms, to encourage staff and guest usage.
“South Africa has only had one reported case of the Covid-19 at this time, and our ports of entry are well monitored. If we all act responsibly and follow the recommended protocol, we can minimise the risk. We have chosen to be proactive and caring in our approach so that our guests feel welcome and safe,” says Lindiwe Sangweni-Siddo, chief operations officer.