As South Africans we have been faced with a lot a changes over the last the last year due to Covid-19 and it seems that these changes are now our “new normal” whether we like it or not. Every aspect of our daily lives has been impacted from wearing a mask in public to not hugging the people we love. It is safe to say that every pillar of our society has changed, including education with fewer face-to-face classes and fewer venue-based exams.
Is it not our responsibility to change the way we do things in education in order to leave a lasting legacy for the next generations? If not us, then who? Much more than online classes or online exams are needed and it starts with renewed focus on entrepreneurship to create more job opportunities and strengthen our economy.
In the School of Commerce, we are committed to providing qualifications that are driven by entrepreneurship to create well-rounded graduates that can make a positive contribution to society. As a school we embrace change, welcome challenges, and remain resilient in the face of these challenges.
We should never underestimate the power of cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit among students , because we never know where it can take us. Innovation combined with entrepreneurship has no end destination.”