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The ultimate interior signage solution: TFS and LED lightboxes

"Fabric has exploded on the retail scene both internationally and now in South Africa, and is quickly becoming the preferred medium for interior signage," says George Kairuz, General Manager of Scan Retail Solutions, a division of exhibition and retail specialist, Scan Display.
The ultimate interior signage solution: TFS and LED lightboxes

Scan Retail Solutions, which launched in 2011, offers a high-quality fabric branding solution called Tension Fabric System (TFS). Large format prints are made directly onto fabric, which can be seamless up to 3.5 metres by 50 metres. The fabric is then stretched onto an aluminium frame to create a smooth finish.

Scan's TFS offers a number of advantages over traditional branding, which can be summarised as follows:

  • Nominal cost;

  • Dimensions are 100% customisable as the frames are made to spec;

  • Graphic has a great look-and- feel, with improved visibility due to the absence of glare;

  • Environmentally-friendly option, as the fabric prints are re-usable and pack into small, lightweight packages allowing inexpensive transport costs with a minimal carbon footprint;

  • The system uses durable, slimline aluminium frames from Scan's UK partners, Unibox, which can tolerate high pressures.

The ultimate interior signage solution: TFS and LED lightboxes

"If you want to make your interior signage even sexier," says George, "you can opt for LED lightboxes."

Scan's LED lightboxes utilise TFS with LED lighting recessed into the back of the frame to back-light the fabric. A special fabric is used, which masks the LED bulbs and diffuses the light evenly through the fabric, making the whole image glow and stand out.

The additional benefits of using Scan's LED lightboxes include:

  • LED lighting reduces your power demand and therefore electrical spend;

  • LED bulbs require infrequent replacements compared to traditional fluorescent bulbs (with a lifespan of 30 000 hours);

  • The overall look-and-feel of an LED lightbox is striking. The colour of the LED lighting can be selected according to the warmth or coolness the client requires for their image.

"We have rolled out with a number of LED lightboxes in stores recently, and our clients have been really happy with the results," says George. "We believe that these products, the TFS and LED lightboxes, are the future of retail branding."

Please contact George Kairuz on +27 21 409 1200 or az.oc.liaternacs@egroeg for more details about the LED lightboxes and other retail display solutions.

28 May 2012 12:07
