"Our ongoing R&D programme has paid dividends resulting in ultra successful and trend-setting product development. The resultant technological trickle-down effect to all other elements takes place knowing that our innovations are sound, further establishing Rocket Creative as the activation industries market leader," says Richard Nilson, founder and MD of Rocket Creative.
Diana Sellers, Sales Manager of Rocket Creative, elaborates, "A core focus of ours in 2013 is the development of entirely new and innovative product to captivate our market. In addition to this we will also be making a determined drive to further evolve and upgrade our existing activation products with our proven fabrication innovations, making a greater number of the units far lighter and thus easier to use."
One of Rocket Creatives exclusive products, the Galaxy Activation Table has enjoyed significant demand recently through a range of clientele. Available as standard in a diverse range of guises, the segmented design allows for use singularly or in multiples thereof to easily create a number of different counter formats.
Theses derivatives are merely one element of the Rocket Creative extensive range of specialised activation equipment available to suit clients' requirements. Rocket Creative's existing broad base of blue chip clientele clearly illustrates their creative capability, capacity and commitment to delivering uniquely aesthetic and desirable branding and display products.
For your complete creative solution from cutting-edge concept to execution the companyInvites you to become part of the Rocket Creative crew on:
011 791 3922 or az.oc.evitaerctekcor@ofni.