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Indian ad titan Piyush Pandey receives LIA Legend Award 2024

London International Awards (LIA) has announced that Piyush Pandey has been 2024 LIA Legend Award during the Creative LIAisons programme on 2 October, 2024.
Piyush Pandey, former global chief creative officer of Ogilvy was honoured. Source: Supplied.
Piyush Pandey, former global chief creative officer of Ogilvy was honoured. Source: Supplied.

Special award

As the man who put Indian advertising on the world map, Pandey is the second creative giant to be conferred this award by LIA. He has been the executive chairman of Ogilvy India since 2004. He has also served as the global chief creative officer of Ogilvy for two and a half years. Recently, on 1 January 2024, he stepped into an advisory role at the company.

This special award is given to a leader of the industry, past or current, who through their talent, vision and generosity has demonstrated outstanding creativity at all levels. They are those whose names are synonymous with a driving passion for creativity and through the years have demonstrated a commitment to build up the industry through their unreserved giving of themselves to mentoring, teaching and developing of others.

It is a very high bar when it comes to the LIA Legend Award. No doubt, creative brilliance and creative leadership are important contributing factors. But it goes beyond those qualities. LIA seeks to recognize people who have selflessly and with great generosity of spirit given back to the industry. They are champions of talent, especially the up-and-coming ones, and the defenders of creativity.

Pandey’s legacy spans more than 45 years. The Economic Times of India has rightly named him “the most influential man in Indian advertising” for 14 consecutive years. During his career, Piyush has won more than 600 international awards. His work for Fevikkwik was voted the ‘commercial of the century’ and his work for Cadbury the ‘campaign of the century’ by the Ad Club Mumbai in 2000.

Liz Taylor, global chief creative officer of Ogilvy, said, “Piyush is a living legend. His legacy is impossible to capture, for the very reason that it’s so transcendent. He’s championed and inspired generations of our industry, raising the bar creatively in ways that impacts careers and people’s lives all over the world. And he’s done it with honor, grace and absolute enjoyment — I can’t think of Piyush without hearing his laughter, seeing the purity of his smile. He loves creativity and what it can do, and we are all the better for his leadership. Piyush is an Ogilvy Giant in the truest sense.”

45 years with Ogilvy

Barbara Levy, president of LIA, said, “Piyush has been with Ogilvy for more than 45 years. He is truly a product of Ogilvy. So it is no surprise that he embodies the qualities that the late great father of advertising himself, David Ogilvy, looked for in a leader – a big person without pettiness, guts under pressure, a streak of unorthodoxy, inspiring with trust and gusto, and a sense of humor. Truly, the hallmarks of the great and successful ad person is someone who has the ambition and ability to write a better campaign than anyone else.”

Pandey ticks all the boxes and more. He is also quick to give back by giving of himself, his knowledge, and his time to the younger people in the industry. He truly embodies the belief of David Ogilvy that ‘where people aren't having any fun, they seldom produce good work.’”

Pandey has invested in the lives of young creatives by speaking and being a mentor in the Creative LIAisons programme. His influence and mentorship during his career has had far reaching results. A long list of his former mentees have gone on to become very successful creative leaders.

In accepting the award, Pandey said. “I think there are many legends in this room, many legends in the making and I hope I will be here each time to cheer you on.”

Pandey is the second recipient of the LIA Legend Award which began in 2023. To paraphrase another legend, LIA wants to shine the spotlight on “people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.” These are the giants whose shoulders we stand on, so the industry can see further.

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